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Borrowing and Fees

WTPL offers unlimited borrowing per card. However, there may be limits based on types of material and subject.

Library Borrowing

Material Type Loan Period
Books, Audio Books on CD4 weeks
Puzzles3 weeks
Mobile WiFi Hotspots2 weeks
Inter-library Loans (ILL)2 weeks
Magazines2 weeks
Music CDs1 week
DVDs1 week
Video Games5 days
Museum Passes4 days

Late Fees

Mobile WiFi Hotspot$5.00 per day
No renewal
Museum Pass$5.00 a day
No renewal
Inter-library Loan (ILL)$.25 a day
Renewal available upon request

Renewing Materials

All Library materials must be returned on or before their due date.  Initial due dates are listed on receipts received at checkout. In order to keep your library account in good standing, eligible items may be renewed by accessing your library account or by phone.

Returning Materials

Library materials can be returned either inside the library at the circulation desk, or outside the library in the book drop.

Accessing Online Databases

WTPL offers access to many electronic databases on a variety of topics, from the arts and humanities to science and technology, available both in the library and at home.  Many of these databases include full-text articles, audio and video content, and resources in languages other than English. Please note that many databases that can be accessed from outside the library will still require you to enter your library card number and PIN.

Downloading Materials

WTPL cardholders have access to downloadable books, movies and music through online resources and other digital collections.