Academic Search Premier | Academic Search Premier contains indexing for 8,025 publications, with full text for more than 4,500 of those titles. |
Business Source Elite | Business Source Elite provides full-text coverage of scholarly business, management and economics journals. |
EBSCOhost | Listing of and access to available EBSCO databases. |
Encyclopedia of World Biography | The Encyclopedia of World Biography provides insight and details about the lives of 7,000 of the world’s most notable figures. Subjects include poets, politicians, musicians, sports stars. |
ERIC | ERIC, the Educational Resource Information Center, is a national information system supported by the U.S. |
GALE presents: Peterson’s Test and Career Prep | A valuable digital database provides standardized test preparation, undergraduate and graduate program research, tuition assistance information, and career advice. |
GreenFILE | GreenFILE offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. |
Health Source: Consumer Edition | This database is the richest collection of consumer health information available to libraries worldwide. |
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition | Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition provides more than 550 scholarly full text journals, including more than 450 peer-reviewed journals focusing on many medical disciplines. |
LearningExpress Library | LearningExpress Library is an easy-to-use online test prep resource that helps people improve their core academic skills, earn a high school equivalency, prepare for college, join the military, obtain occupational certification, change careers, become a U.S. citizen and much more. |
Legal Information Reference Center | Legal Information Reference Center contains hundreds of full-text publications and thousands of legal forms. |
LISTA: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts | LISTA indexes more than 560 core journals, nearly 50 priority journals, and nearly 125 selective journals; plus books, research reports and proceedings. |
Literary Reference Center | Literary Reference Center is a comprehensive database that provides users with a broad spectrum of information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and time frames. |
LSNJ Law | Look through our self-help resources to find legal forms, manuals, and articles to help you answer your questions. |
MasterFILE Elite | MasterFILE Elite for public libraries provides full text access to magazines, periodicals and reference books on a wide range of subjects and includes an image collection. |
MiddleSearch Plus | Middle Search Plus contains full text for more than 150 popular, middle school magazines. In addition to the full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for nearly 200 magazines. |
Newswires | EBSCO’s AP News provides users with real-near time access to the top world-wide stories from Associated Press, including AP Top News, WorldStream and more. |
Newspaper Source Plus | Newspaper Source Plus includes more than 700 full-text newspapers, and provides more than 31 million full-text articles. |
NoveList | NoveList is an electronic readers’ advisory resource that helps fiction readers find new titles and authors. |
NoveList K-8 | NoveList K-8 is a readers’ advisory resource to help young fiction readers find new authors and titles and includes School Library Journal reviews for some titles. |
Points of View Reference Center | Points of View Reference Center is a full-text database designed to provide students with a series of essays that present multiple sides of a current issue. |
Primary Search | Primary Search, designed specifically for elementary school libraries and public library children’s rooms, contains full text for more than 60 popular, elementary school magazines. |
Referencia Latina | Referencia Latina, a comprehensive Spanish-language database, offers content from a variety of sources including 49,000 encyclopedia entries. |
Regional Business News | This database provides comprehensive full text coverage for regional business publications. |
Teacher Reference Center | Teacher Reference Center provides indexing and abstracts for hundreds of periodicals. In addition, 96% of journals indexed in TRC are peer-reviewed. |