How to do Teen Book Reviews
- You can submit 3 book reviews per week.
- Reviewed books must be part of the Library’s teen or adult collection.
- No Plagiarism – The librarian checks each review for plagiarism before it is accepted.
- No ChatGPT – Please do not use AI tools to write books reviews. The librarian checks each review for evidence that an artificial intelligence tool was used. We want to hear your honest opinions in your book review, and so do other teens!
- The reviews include a Summary and Opinion section. The summary must be at least 75 words, or 300 characters (not including spaces). The opinion must be at least 100 words, or 400 characters (not including spaces).
- Once you submit your review, please note that it can take a week or longer before you receive a confirmation email. Give yourself plenty of time!
- Please use a non-student email (personal email) to submit your review due to external firewall restrictions for all email addresses.
- Unsure how to get started? Consult this resource from on writing book reviews.