Waterford Township Woman’s Club is offering Scholarships to female graduating high school students from
Waterford Township who are furthering their education.
Attached is an Application Form that will need to be completed in full and
returned by April 30, 2024, along with a letter written by the student describing her
involvement in community service and how this involvement has affected her life.
- A female resident of Waterford Township who is furthering her education at
a college, university, trade, technical, business school, or other institute of higher
learning. - Involvement in Community Service. A letter is to be written, by the student,
describing her involvement in community service and how this involvement has
affected her life. - Two (2) letters of recommendation from teachers, clergy or civic leaders.
- A 3.0 average – a transcript is required indicating the student’s
grades and class rank. - Application deadline is April 30, 2024.
Should you have any questions, please call Francine Grubb at
(856) 767-6590 or email